Early last week, Nate had told me that the
shop that we buy all of our dry goods was having a family dinner and that they
had invited us down after 5:30pm to come and eat with them. I was excited to
hear that we were invited out for dinner, because our weekends are often pretty
mundane and we also didn’t have to cook or clean a meal. Awesome! Friday
morning rolled around and as Nate was leaving for the river he reminded me that
I needed to be ready by 6pm sharp to go down to dinner. I wondered why so punctual,
nothing ever starts on time.
Nate arrived at 5:20pm and quickly got changed
and started packing a bag. He told me we needed to bring our own silverware and
plates as this dinner had turned into quite the event and they wouldn’t have enough
plates and silverware for all the guests. I was a little surprised that the
shop that sells dry goods didn’t have enough plates, but I didn’t think
anything of it. I got dressed and as we began walking outside a neighbour of
ours called Nate and told us to stay put, he came and picked us up in a car and
took us down to the market where the party was supposed to be. Once again, didn’t
think anything of it, just thought we got lucky with a free drop. When we
arrived at the shop, I saw our wonderful dry good ladies Auntie Joan and Auntie
Kay still working at the shop. They told us to go ahead and head upstairs for
the gathering. I was a bit confused why the two women who were hosting the
party weren’t at the party, but I figured we were just early as usual.
On top of the shop, there is a really nice
space that used to be a little restaurant. It is no longer in use, but it still
has all the amenities of a restaurant. Nice table, chairs, a full kitchen,
fridge, sound system etc. As we walked upstairs I heard music, but I didn’t see
anyone or anything set up. I turned around and told Nate, that we must be
really early because there is no one here. He smiled and said, “Happy Six Years
Baby.” I looked back at the space and then back at him with a very confused
look on my face since our wedding anniversary is in December and it’s the end
of May, and we have only been married for 3 years. Before I could get any words out, he hugged me
and said “Today six years ago we began dating. I wanted to take you on a date
today to say that I hope we continue dating for at least another six years.” As
we continue walking inside there was a table set with candles, slow jam music
playing on the stereo and a few ice cold beers waiting for us to drink. He had
set it all up. Our neighbour who picked
us up was catering our dinner; he had made chicken curry, roti, fried rice,
channa and awesome rum cake. Our dry
shop lady’s had given us the space upstairs for the night and even gave us a
sweet appetizer of fresh watermelon.
It was truly one of the most thoughtful gestures.
It is not often that we get to go on a “real date” here in the Peace Corps, but
Nate used our community of friends and neighbours to make a really memorable
night. I know I am gushing mushing love stuff, but Friday night will be one of
my most cherished memories of Peace Corps with my incredible partner. Thank you
for bringing romance into my life, even in the jungles of South America. I love
P.S. There are no pictures since Nate
carrying a camera would have tipped off the surprise. If you know me, you know
I love to ask questions.
Till next time.
It’s never too early to think about the Third Goal. Check out Peace Corps Experience: Write & Publish Your Memoir. Oh! If you want a good laugh about what PC service was like in a Spanish-speaking country back in the 1970’s, read South of the Frontera: A Peace Corps Memoir.